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Fantastic Fan Fantasies: Fan Theories

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Welcome to Fantastic Fan Fantasies! I got the thought-nugget for this blog one day while watching Courage the Cowardly Dog, and thinking about the theories that are behind the show created by fans.

It got me thinking about not only the fan theories behind Courage, but also other shows and fandoms as well. I started noting down the shows and the theories that I either found or thought about myself. Many are extremely far-fetched, but some are extremely sound.

Join me each week as I dive into a different fandom, rotating between shows, books, multi-platform franchises, and movies. Considering the expansive sizes of fandoms in general I will periodically repeat fandoms so that we can delve deep into the vast amount of fan theories that exist; because seven days just isn't enough to cover them all!

As we go through this journey of fan theories together, some shows we will break down by episode and others will be an overall view; others will be broken down by character, as we explore both the family-friendly theories and then dive deeper into the much darker ones. While some of these theories I will do research on, others I will not as not every theory would need it. However, there may be a few theories that I will credit research to others as some of the theories I have found are not just theories but also parallels into real life.

I also want to take a moment to remind everyone that I will be making multiple warnings for any posts that are darker in nature, as some theories are not always family-friendly. Not only is there a warning on our homepage, but there will be a "Dark Theory" tag as well as warnings in both the title and at the beginning of the post.

How Tags and Categories Work

As I welcome you into this new Fan Sanctuary, I want to quickly go over how my tags and categories work. All the tags surround specifically what show, movie, book or fandom that the post is about. The only exception to that is the Disney tag, as there are three different ones: Disney, DCOM, and Disney Channel. These are broken down because of how completely vast the Disney name is. Anything that Disney has acquired in recent years (like Star Wars and Marvel) will not fall under the Disney tag.

As for our categories, that is how you can find posts related to a specific platform. The categories will be for each tv show, movie, book, or multi-platform. Multi-Platform means that there are multiple places you can find the specific fandom, such as how Hunger Games or Divergent are both books and movies, or Avatar: The Last Airbender is both a tv show and a movie.

Having posts with tags and in categories will help you navigate this Fantastic Fan world that I would love to say we are all creating together. The last two tags I want to address are the “Dark Theory” and “Family-Friendly”.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I have a warning on the homepage, and those warnings will continue to be everywhere throughout the blog. This will not be a 100% family-friendly blog. These tags will help you to find which theories you want. Since some fandoms we will be covering can have both dark and family-friendly theories, I thought it would be best for all of you to be able to easily search between the two types of theories.

Potential Spoilers

I want to also take a second to warn you that there could be potential spoilers amongst many of these posts. I won't be tagging everything with a warning because of the sheer amount that I would have to focus on to figure out if there is a spoiler or not. If you are not a fan of spoilers, I would caution you on not reading into fandoms you are unfamiliar with at the moment as a precaution to avoid any spoilers involved.


One last thing I want to address is the Forums pages. The Forums are for all of you to talk amongst yourselves and exchange theories with each other. (Of course I will pop in myself, too!) In order to not clog it up with a lot of Anonymous and Guests, you do have to have an account and sign in. THESE ACCOUNTS ARE COMPLETELY FREE! I am not here to make money doing this, but to have fun, meet new people, and exchange theories with new people from all around the world. Having an account to sign into for the Forums is so that we know who we are addressing; or at least have A way to address you.

I hope this quick guide has been helpful, and if you need any help feel free to send me a message or join our community and let's talk in the forums! Whether it's your opinion of a theory, or a question about one.

I can't wait to jump into this journey with you and encourage you to join the community; join our forums page to debate and discuss your own thoughts and theories. Happy theorizing!

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